New Zealand multi award winning photographer based in Auckland

Chelsea has been passionate about Art and photography since she was just a child. The smell of a dark room excited her, and learning the camera manually was the best part of high school for her! After traveling the world as a snowboard instructor, painting beautiful pieces of art decor, working as a behavioural therapist, and studying a conjoint degree in Business and Psychology, Chelsea has gained many different skills throughout her life. With decades of learning about art and photography behind her, Chelsea has once again found herself in love with capturing people. Photography is a way for her to express herself and fulfil her sense of accomplishment with each success gained through photography. Chelsea has a long history of Painting and creating Art, with many teachers' encouraging her to forge a path in the Artistic world. This is how she creates her photographic masterpieces, by bringing her two decades of painting experience and background into her photographic work and turning it into a true Work of Art.
She started her business in 2012, quickly becoming a huge success and making a name for herself, while constantly learning and educating herself in many aspects of photography. She prides herself on professionalism and having a natural motherly side which helps when soothing and handling children, babies, and newborns. Chelsea says,
Chelsea has two young boys, and her love of babies and children has deepened since experiencing that first real love of a child. She empathizes with expecting and new parents, the exhaustion and emotions that swoop over them, and understands the importance of capturing those first moments that disappear all too quickly! Whether it be first or subsequent pregnancies, and newborns you simply cannot get those moments back, and Chelsea is forever hearing how everyone wishes they'd had photo's done during their pregnancy or of their newborn. This is why it is so important to invest in your future memories and capture these firsts! Chelsea is the perfect photographer to create beautiful memories that you and your family can cherish forever.
Brendan is still learning photography, but already assists Chelsea on every shoot including taking the camera occasionally as well. His passions in life are his family, art, writing, reading, and photography, all of which are great assets in their business together. Brendan and Chelsea love being able to work from their home studio so they can be around their children all the time. They both adore newborns and children and love working with them! Brendan has always been family oriented and has really come into his own since coming home to work with Chelsea in their photography business. Brendan is the first person each client will speak to when booking with Chelsea Haworth Photography, and his lovely phone demeanour will leave you feeling wonderful and excited for your future session! His ability to work with each client to find out what they want, favourite colours and poses, and where they want to put them, means he can help create the perfect collection for you and tailor your session to give you exactly what you want.
Follow Chelsea Haworth Photography on Facebook, to keep up to date with her work and be notified of specials and events!
Chelsea Haworth is a multi-award winning, maternity, newborn and family photographer in Auckland New Zealand. She is a fully accredited portrait photographer with NZIPP and has won prestigious awards both nationally and internationally at IRIS WPE, WPPI and RISE. She has won First place in the Newborn Category at WPPI in 2019 second half, and First place in the Maternity/Newborn/Family Category at WPE 2020 first half.
Although she has had many different careers and businesses throughout her life, including teaching children, working with Autistic and Asperger's children, and creating beautiful paintings, photography is her dream job.
"I love working with people, telling their story and making them feel strong, powerful and beautiful, giving them reminders in their home of the love they have in their family and for each other. You can see this messaging in all of my work. I love creating emotion with light, fabric, and posing. I love to create history. I know that one day the photographs that I take will be history and people will appreciate them and love them for the stories that they tell regardless of whether they know the subjects or are related to them. They will be cherished well beyond my years and that excites me."
"I love learning about each client's uniqueness, finding out what is important to them and seeing the joy in their expressions from when they first book with us to when they pick up their products. The whole journey is thrilling for me, and I love getting to know each client and forming long term friendships."
Brendan loves working with and meeting new people, he says, "learning about everyone's different cultures and backgrounds excites me! I love learning about each client's uniqueness, finding out what is important to them and seeing the joy in their expressions from when they first book with us to when they pick up their products. The whole journey is thrilling for me, and I love getting to know each client and forming long term friendships."
Chelsea Haworth
The Artist
Chelsea has been photographing pregnancy, newborns, babies and families since 2012 and has loved every minute of it! She is often asked why she chooses to work with pregnancy and babies, and here is the "why" she not only chooses to photograph other people and their belly's & babies, but also why she loves to do it.
"I have always thought pregnancy to be one of the most beautiful moments in life, because of all the pain and struggle most women have to endure just to grow, nurture, and bring this tiny little miracle into the world, there is nothing more powerful than the love you have for your child. I have so much love and patience for babies and children, and I find working with them to be the highlight of each day. I am reminded each session of how much patience I must have to work with newborns, but for me I love every minute of it, I couldn't have dreamed up a better career for myself because I greatly enjoy holding and getting to know each and every precious baby that comes to us.
One of the most important things I want each of my clients to have walking away from their experience with us is to feel beautiful and strong and their baby is absolutely perfect, and they have done an amazing job bringing this little human into the world. I also love sharing my expert tips with my clients when they want them, so they can use them at home! Newborn safety is my top priority when I work with these delicate little beings, and although I don't give up easily and will endeavour to produce the most gorgeous portraits of your baby, I will never put a baby into a pose they do not like or cannot do, and we always practice safe posing with props that involve multiple exposures and compositions to achieve a certain look."
Check out our newborn safety page for more information! Newborn Safety
"Often, we have mixed emotions, or clouded feelings at some point during pregnancy or after birth. Our entire world flips upside down and becomes all about another helpless human being. I want to capture the pure joy, incredible love, and happiness we experience in these precious beginnings. Because sometimes those beautiful portraits make up for those moments when we don't feel those feelings.
I hope to bring that joy to all parents, but especially the ones who are struggling, the mothers who in time will value these portraits more than anything else because it helped them through the clouds and the storms. Whether we struggled for a moment, or a while, these portraits of your special beginnings are something you can display proudly, create strength and confidence in your family and in your children, and that will remind you of those precious moments when you need them the most.
"These portraits of your special beginnings are something you can display proudly, create strength and confidence in your family and in your children, and that will remind you of those precious moments when you need them the most"
"I fall in love with every single one of my subjects and that shows in my work. I always find the beauty in my clients, which is how I achieve such stunning images"
Brendan Haworth
The Studio Manager
Brendan and Chelsea met in Ohakune in 2010 and were married a year and a half later. They soon started their gorgeous little family and moved to the quaint suburb Swanson in West Auckland, where they now work together at Chelsea Haworth Photography. Brendan has an amazing artistic ability with drawing and has an eye for landscape photography. He loves working with his wife, capturing beautiful memories for their clients, and enjoys planning each session and coordinating ideas with Chelsea which is how they create such beautiful galleries for all their clients!
"I know that one day the photographs that I take will be history and people will appreciate them and love them for the stories that they tell regardless of whether they know the subjects or are related to them. They will be cherished well beyond my years and that excites me."